How to deep clean your Young Living diffuser

Disclaimer: Please do not proceed to dismantle and clean your diffuser yourself if it is still under warranty. Please contact the nearest Young Living office branch or your agent for more information.

I’ve been using essential oils for a few years now. I’m not an agent; I got my products through a friend of mine. I get no cut / commissions, but purely sharing my interest for essential oils.

Anyway, if you’re like me, you probably own a diffuser of your own. And like me, diffusing almost daily, means the diffuser needs cleaning and maintenance too. Dust accumulation on the bottom of the diffuser may cause it not to function optimally. Solely vacuuming the bottom isn’t sufficient.

I currently own the Desert Mist model. So in today’s post, you will learn how to disassemble and clean a Young Living Desert Mist diffuser.

Tools needed

  1. Philips head screwdriver
  2. Cotton buds for cleaning


1. Empty the diffuser of any remaining water and wipe dry if necessary. Make sure to unplug your diffuser, then place it on a flat surface, bottom facing up.

2. Remove the 4 screws and place them to the side. Detach the gold casing; place aside.

3. You will need a slimmer screwdriver (Philips head) to remove another 4 screws located further in the grey casing. Shown in yellow circles in picture. Detach the grey casing and you will gain access to the inner electronic plate.

4. Remove the last 4 screws (as highlighted in pic) to further expose the plate. this will grant you access to your diffuser’s cute little fan.

Look at the dust! About 6 month’s worth.

5. Using a cotton bud, gently clean the dust off the fan, being careful to go around and under as well. No need to dampen the cotton prior to cleaning.

All clean!
5 cotton buds worth of dust

6. Reattach the plating (method 4), being careful to align with the holes and wires are neatly placed inside. Fix screws back. Basically just work your way backwards when assembling and attaching everything back.

7. The end result should be as above. Note that the buttons should be facing you with the side groove on the right.

Clean the diffuser every 3-6 months, depending on how frequently used it is. If you notice a change in diffusing quality, perhaps it’s time to deep clean as shown above.

Interior cleaning

My weekly clean for the interior is easy and fuss free. Simply empty the unit of all water. Using an alcohol swab pad, gently clean the ultrasonic plate (going in and around) and wipe all inner surface areas. Flip the alcohol pad over and use the other side as needed. Once done, rinse with water, being very careful not to get any of the outer electronic parts wet. Then dry with a cloth if not using immediately.

Cleaning and maintaining your diffuser frequently ensures that you have optimum diffusing results. Leftover essential oils which are not emptied out / removed may damage the ultrasonic plate in future, which may be costly to replace. It takes less than 5 minutes to upkeep and is easy too. Happy diffusing!

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